
Sacred Melanin

Sacred Melanin helps Melanated beings become whole by helping them to align their chakras so they can transition into a more wholistic lifestyle. Empress, Satin Marche is Ra Seki [Kemetic Reiki] I and II certified as well as a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate. She uses a variety of healing methods such as Aritu [chakra] healing, Kemetic Reiki, sound therapy, herbal medicine, Aromatherapy, Aritu breathing exercises & influenced positive behavioral changes to assist her clients. Their products are an addition to all that they have to offer - a statement to "Innerstand your Melanin is Sacred, do all you can to protect it". Ultimately, they teach Melanated beings to know themselves. “To know thyself is to know Melanin.” Ancestar Dr. Llaila O. Afrika

Instagram: @sacredmelanin

Website www.satinmarche.com

Email: contactsacredmelanin@gmail.com